Attending SCAJ 2024 was truly impressive, offering an unforgettable experience for anyone deeply interested in the world of coffee. The whole atmosphere of the event was filled with excitement, energy, and, of course, the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee.
About the event
For those unfamiliar, SCAJ 2024 is the annual World Specialty Coffee Conference and Exhibition, organized by the Specialty Coffee Association of Japan (SCAJ). Since 2003, the SCAJ has been hosting this prestigious event, which has grown into one of Asia’s largest coffee gatherings. Each year, the event features workshops, seminars, product showcases, and coffee tastings that highlight the latest trends and advancements in coffee production and brewing. The event consistently attracts coffee enthusiasts, professional baristas, and roasters from around the globe, and this year was no different. Exhibitors from around 30 countries and regions participated, making it a truly international event. Countries from Latin America, Africa, and Southeast Asia were present, bringing a wide variety of high-quality coffee beans, contributing to the diverse atmosphere.

Some pictures taken at the exhibition site.
The coffee tasting adventure
One of the key highlights of the event was the variety of coffee tastings. The staff at each booth offered small cups of coffee, or even walked around with trays of samples, allowing everyone to freely grab a cup. Some booths had different setups where you could compare two brews side by side, or explore the same beans processed in different ways. I found myself trying some of the rarest, most unique blends I’ve ever had—some so exclusive they’re not even on the market yet! The staff also shared some insights about the coffee beans or brewing process while we were tasting, such as how different origins and processing methods influenced flavor. Also, I finally had the opportunity to taste coffee made from washed and natural beans right after each other, allowing me to truly recognize the differences between the two for the very first time. The diversity of coffee varieties was incredible, with some offering tasting notes of honey, peach, rose, pomegranate, or combinations of these flavors.

We could try the coffee used by the WBC (World Barista Championship) 2024 champion.

The coffee tasting experience included detailed descriptions of each coffee served.
Tools and gears
The tasting experience was complemented by an impressive selection of equipment catering to both everyday enthusiasts and industry professionals. While some of the showcased machines, like compact coffee mugs, kettles, scales, espresso makers and stylish home grinders were designed for regular coffee lovers, others, such as massive roasters and industrial brewing systems were clearly aimed at cafes and large-scale operations. Cold brew towers and siphons also played a significant role in the exhibition, highlighting the craftsmanship. As I wandered through the booths, I came across several equipment that could truly elevate my coffee game at home.

Workshops and seminars
In addition to the coffee tasting and shopping experiences at SCAJ 2024, attendees had the opportunity to engage in various seminars and workshops provided by industry professionals. These were, among others about industry trends, new brewing methods and coffee science. We even had the chance to see some of the equipment in action, like the previously mentioned siphon and cold brew towers, as well as ceramic coffee filters, while baristas demonstrated the proper techniques for using them effectively.

Looking Forward to Next Year
All in all, SCAJ 2024 was amazing, and I’m already looking forward to next year. I highly recommend this event to all coffee enthusiasts, even those not directly involved in the coffee industry. It’s an excellent opportunity for networking, expanding your knowledge of coffee making, and, of course, sampling and getting your hands on some specialty coffees.
SCAJ 2024に参加することは本当に印象的で、コーヒーの世界に深く関心がある人にとって忘れられない経験を提供してくれました。イベント全体の雰囲気は興奮とエネルギーに満ちており、もちろん新たに淹れたコーヒーの豊かな香りも漂っていました。
SCAJ 2024をご存じない方のために説明すると、これは「世界スペシャルティコーヒー会議&展示会」で、日本スペシャルティコーヒー協会(SCAJ)が主催しています。SCAJは2003年からこの権威あるイベントを開催しており、アジア最大級のコーヒーイベントの一つに成長しました。毎年、ワークショップ、セミナー、製品展示、コーヒーのテイスティングが行われ、コーヒーの生産や抽出方法における最新のトレンドや進展が紹介されます。このイベントは常に世界中からコーヒー愛好者、プロのバリスタ、ロースターたちを惹きつけており、今年も例外ではありませんでした。約30か国と地域から出展者が参加し、まさに国際色豊かなイベントとなりました。ラテンアメリカ、アフリカ、東南アジアの国々が参加し、高品質なコーヒー豆を持ち寄り、多様な雰囲気を醸し出していました。




SCAJ 2024では、コーヒーのテイスティングやショッピング体験に加え、参加者は業界のプロフェッショナルが提供するさまざまなセミナーやワークショップに参加する機会もありました。これらのセミナーでは、業界のトレンドや新しい抽出方法、コーヒーサイエンスについてなどが取り上げられました。さらに、先に紹介したサイフォンやコールドブリュータワー、セラミックコーヒーフィルターなどの機器が実際に使われているところを見ることができ、バリスタたちがそれらを効果的に使用するための適切な技術をデモンストレーションしてくれました。

全体として、SCAJ 2024は素晴らしいイベントで、私はすでに来年を楽しみにしています。コーヒー業界に直接関わっていない方々にも、このイベントを強くお勧めします。コーヒー作りの知識を深めたり、ネットワーキングをしたり、もちろんスペシャリティコーヒーを試飲したり手に入れたりする絶好の機会です。